Laura Romain is the Gif Editor of Irk Magazine, joining the publication November 2016. Of our entire team, she is the most creative and "IRKish" writer as is appropriate for our official GIF editor. We LOVE her fabulous mind.
During the day, she is a Product Designer, currently working on cosmetics. The rest of the time, she eats, drinks (maybe too much),
smokes (surely too much), reads (never too much), and sleeps (never enough). When there’s some time left, she tries to find he most absurd and aberrant things Internet can provide. And there is a lot. Then she tries to forget everything she has seen, for her own sake. From time to time, and on a very irregular basis, she shares one or two wonders here ( (don’t click). She sometimes dresses her cat as cupid (he is ok with it) and loves octopus.
If you still want to contact this person, here it is: