It doesn't really matter if one can't get into Dior, Chanel, YSL or Balmain because the real show is on the streets of Paris. During Fashion week the who's who in fashion and A-list celebrities come out dressed in their best! Its a time where all rules can be broken and creativity and individuality are appreciated with a photo or 100!
This year was no disappointment as IRK Magazine photographer Jeanne Le Louarn took to the streets to capture this magical fashion moment.

Stealing the show on the stairs of the Paris Opera Garnier, Balmain ss/18

Erika Santos with gucci handbag & wearing Ocksa dress, Fernanda wearing Dolce & Gabbana shoes & Chanel handbag, Dior ss/18, Musée Rodin, Paris

Lausanne Jensen with Tory Burch handbag & wearing Paul & Joe dress, Dior ss/18, Musée Rodin, Paris

Stevens Crouiebois wearing 032C sweat pants with јована Матић, Balmain ss/18, Paris Opera Garnier

Interview by Kasia Borowicz, Dior ss/18, Musée Rodin, Paris

Karlie Kloss wearing Christian Dior outside Dior ss/18, Musée Rodin, Paris

Tatiana Korakova, Dior ss/18, Musée Rodin, Paris

Marc-Henri Ngandu wearing a Versace vintage velvet suit & adidas shoes, Balmain ss/18, Opéra Garnier, Paris

YSL show ss/18, Trocadéro, Paris