We might already know the paintings and sculptures from prominent modern and contemporary artists such as Max Ernest, Pablo Picasso, Niki de Saint Phalle, and Cesar but we may not often realize that these artists were also interested in jewelry. The Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, gives us a fascinating lesson about this less known field.
Diane Venet, who has collected artist’s jewelry for more than 30 years, shares her passion with us. The exposition is composed of 230 pieces from her personal collection, complemented with exceptional loans from museums, other collectors, and artists’ families that present the work of 150 French and international artists.
Diane Venet speaks about her collection:
The exhibition begins with avant-garde artists, and continues to showcase a variety of artwork composed of jewelry, paintings and sculptures. All sorts of enchanting, playful and intriguing pieces are harmonically presented chronologically and thematically including major modern and contemporary movements.
These artists communicate their personal style through these “miniature sculptures”, while they also face practical challenges such as giving these pieces a “use” or “portability”. Discovering this artworks doesn’t only gives us the chance to appreciate the beauty of these pieces, but is also a nice opportunity to ponder about it’s sensitive and communicative value as an art domain.
How does the relationship artist-artwork-wearer work in the jewelry domain? Do we become part of the artwork when we wear it, or are we just the tools that exhibit it? The richness of this exhibition will feed your curiosity and will leave you willing to explore more.
More Information:
De Calder à Koons, bijoux d’artistes. La collection idéale de Diane Venet
From March 7 to September 9, 2018
Musée des Arts Décoratifs
107-111, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris