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Foundation Louis Vuitton: Vernissage of Big Names, a Shibboleth of Contemporary Art

IRK Magazine

Watching the Paris art world prepare for new big things and collectors travel down new paths of contemporary style for a bid on staying the best in Paris, Foundation Louis Vuitton opened to some exclusive Parisians on Tuesday to unveil their new obsessions in art. They also hint in going new directions, which is a smart move by the collector: There will soon be another big collector's space opening in Paris.

Monsieur Arnault and the LMVH Group(Louis Vuitton Moët-Hennessey) love buying, never selling it. The foundation is Arnault's own megalo-modern canvas in itself which has now passed a few art seasons bringing art to Paris from all over the world and from some of the biggest contemporary artists, their collections success is abstract, could be a hit-or-miss : This however was invitingly impressive, inconsequentially irrelevant, and it is a hit they need to make for the upcoming art race soon to hit Paris.

FLV has unveiled some impressively large and popular contemporary works: extraneous for FVL the creations of Takashi Murakami with his giant Gero Tan: Noah's Ark (2016) and other works entropic & colourfully apocalyptic. To the contemporary handful of Yves Klein, Matisse’s Blue Nude with Green Stockings. François Morellet's L'Avalanche(2006) and Pierre Huyghe’s video Untitled (Human Mask) (2014). Also not to be forgotten or misplaced, is the hanging horse that always starts a conversation by Maurizio Cattelan’s, La balata di Trotski (1996).

So they again have brought some great art into the foundation, international contemporary art hits, this is a museum so of course they want today's equivalent of Louis-David's, Coronation of Napoleon, hanging on their walls however one can imagine its is also needed artillery for the soon to be Paris Art Battle between France's two most popular art collectors: Foundation Louis Vuitton vs. the Pinault Collection. Pinault, soon will have finished their own Paris space at the old Paris Bourse. Pinault Collection, this week unveiled in their Venetian art territory two expositions, at the Punta della Dogana and Palazzo Grassi, Venice, which has also stirred-up some news; especially concerning artist selection. With these new art acquisitions, new shrines for collectors created, and cultural concern of the contemporary art movements displayed; there will be a lot of news to come from the Paris art scene.

With so much excitement for more art and collectors there will be a lot of work and passion for contemporary art to come. Many thanks and many good wishes to the Foundation Louis Vuitton, art director Suzanne Pagé, for her endless work in bringing collections to Paris that expand contemporary art and its relevance to the world today, the inspiring and sometime banal.

Continuing the "very contemporary" remembering that, “It’s essential to remember that art comes from art comes from art comes from art.”

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