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ISSEY MIYAKE: “Making Speaking, Speaking Making”

Luisa Olivera

This Fall-Winter 20-21 Satoshi Kondo brought us graphic lines, fluid volumes and futuristic textures to build a visual journey from individuality to community. Once again, the show was directed by Daniel Ezralow, which theme represented the words and feelings drawn from the process of making things by hand.

The show started emphasizing the concept of individuality, the background was set by a white sheet of paper with the silhouette of a man in the middle, two men entered the scene to paint two other silhouettes on the sides which they later thorn out to reveal the models which came out through the open spaces. These first looks where the most graphic of the collection, total white outfits with bold black lines on the edges. Not only the models were presented as individuals, but the garments themselves highlighted the different parts within them.

Photo by Frédérique Dumoulin

Altogether the looks of the collection where extremely varied, from super ethereal garments inspired bu auroras to bold and bright-colored industrial outfits.

Towards the end of the show groups of models where sharing one single garment, a "hand in hand". These long garments seemed to be built out of several individual ones but were actually made by with seamless knitting technique, these pieces also had additional openings allowing them to be worn in several different ways.

Photo by Frédérique Dumoulin

Photos by Frédérique Dumoulin

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